Glycemic Index of Popular Food

The following table provides the glycemic index of popular food.

Low Glycemic Food provides information on why you need this chart and and how to use it to reduce your risk factor for heart disease, cancer, Alzheimer's disease and diabetes. It also provides information on other natural ways to control your blood sugar and balance your insulin levels.

Low Glycemic Index Medium Glycemic Index High Glycemic Index
< 45 46 - 60 > 60
Barley Chapati 43 Brown Rice 55 Bagels 72
Grains Barley Kernel Bread 39 Buckwheat 55 Cheerios 74
and Chick Pea Flour Chapati 27 Bulgur 47 Corn Chips 83
Pasta Fettucini 32 Corn 55 Corn Flakes 83
Pearl Barley 25 Cracked Barley 50 Cornmeal 69
Rice Bran 27 Linguini 46 Couscous 65
Soy Lin Bread 19 Linseed Rye Bread 55 Crackers 67
Spaghetti 36 Macaroni 46 Cream of Wheat 70
Vermicelli 35 Muesli 56 English Muffins 71
Wheat Bran 42 Oat bran 55 Gnocchi 67
Whole Rye 37 Oatmeal 60 Melba Toast 70
Pita Bread 57 Millet 71
Popcorn 55 Puffed Wheat 74
Pumpernickel Bread 50 Rice Cakes 74
Rice Vermicelli 58 Rice Krispies 82
Special K 54 Rice pasta 92
White Rice 58 Rolled Barley 66
Wild Rice 57 Rye Bread 64
Semolina Bread 64
Shredded Wheat 71
Taco Shells 68
White bread 95
White Flour Products 71
Black Beans 31 Baked beans 48 Fava beans 79
Beans Black-eyed peas 41 Romano Beans 46
Butter Beans 30
Chana Daal 8
Chick Peas 33
Green Lentils 29
Kidney Beans 29
Mung Beans 38
Navy Beans 38
Pinto Beans 38
Red Lentils 25
Soybeans 17
Dairy Plain yogurt 14 Ice cream 61
Skim Milk 32
Apple 38 Banana 54 Pineapple 66
Fruits Cherries 22 Blueberry 57 Raisins 64
and Dried Apricots 31 Canned peaches 47 Other dried fruit 70
Nuts Grapefruit 25 Kiwi 53 Watermellon 72
Nuts 15 Mango 56
Orange 44 Orange juice 52
Peach 42
Pear 37
Plum 38
Brassica family <15 Raw carrots 49 Beets 64
Vegetables Green beans <15 Sweet potatoes 54 Cooked carrots 85
Green vegetables <15 White potatoes (boiled) 56 French fries 75
Herbs <15 Yams 51 Mashed potatoes 70
Peas <15 Parsnips 98
Powdered Greens <15 Pumpkin 75
Tomato <15 Rutabaga 72
Extrapolated from "The GI Factor: The Glycemic Index Solution", by Dr. Jennie Brand Milles, Kwye Foster-Powell, Dr. Stephen Colagiuri.

Eating Low Glycemic Index food is
The Natural Path to good health.

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