You can test whether cookies are enabled by clicking on the button below:

To configure your browser to accept cookies, follow these directions.

If you are using Internet Explorer

  1. In the Internet Explorer window, click on Tools (on the top menu)
  2. Select and click on Internet Options on the drop down menu.
  3. In the Internet Options window, click on the tab labeled Privacy.
  4. Click on the button labeled Default on the Privacy tab.
  5. Click OK to confirm and close the box.

If you are using Firefox

  1. In the Firefox window, click on Tools (on the top menu)
  2. Select and click on Options on the drop down menu.
  3. In the Options window, click on the icon of the lock labeled Privacy.
  4. Click on the button labeled Default on the Privacy tab.
  5. If the section entitled Cookies is not expanded, click on the "+" sign next to Cookies.
  6. Click on the check box next to Allow sites to set cookies
  7. Select Until they expire in the drag down box next to Keep cookies:
  8. Click OK to confirm and close the box.